


Interactive integrated teaching activity program for preschool institutes
ToMoNote is an online·offline integrated teaching activity support program for early childhood education by the teachers in the preschool institute, and provides systematic learning curriculum in five areas – physical exercise and health, communication, social relations, art experience, and nature exploration.

Product composition
Major products Program Providing 2,000 interactive teaching activity contents, web pages for the head teacher/teachers, and ToMoRing app for linking with the parents
Smart device 8-inch exclusive tablet PC (a device to share the screen with TV)
Offline teaching material Providing the portfolio and activity newsletter for in-depth learning, by linking with the ToMoNote educational contents
Major details Dedicated tablet class Interactive multimedia contents that are updated every month
Homepage Providing various document forms and class materials
Teacher support Teacher training one time a year, and providing parent participation class material
Linking with parents Providing ToMoRing, smart school memo, and portfolio (activity collection).
Key features
  • Selected top among smart Nuri Courses in 2016.
  • Teaching and learning integrated program for child’s smart learning
  • Providing all contents used by the institute (Nuri Course, after school)
  • Providing teaching plans, multimedia contents, activity newsletter, and binder.
  • Providing 4,000 multimedia contents and 26,000 other kinds of contents
  • Approximately 120,000 children (5,000 classes) are using the contents at preschools/kindergartens throughout the country