Service Platform

Non-face-to-face authentication

Non-face-to-face real name authentication system

A non-face-to-face authentication solution that enables customers to identify themselves using their smartphone without needing to visit the bank for more convenient smart banking service. For authentication, various methods are provided such as ID photo cross-checking through a video call, checking previous transactions, and mobile phone identity authentication. As a result, the financial institute can select a non-face-to-face authentication method that suits their environment.

Non-face-to-face authentication platform
  • An integrated service platform for non-face-to-face real name authentication on smartphones, such as identity check, financial instrument information, video service, and service management. (Identity check method: ID authenticity check, inquiry of the bank account/other bank account, video authentication)
  • Providing a video consultation function between the customer and counselor
  • Customer app management
  • Counselor client management
  • Interoperable with external organizations
Client/App App (for customers)
  • Video consultation
  • ID photographing and sending
  • Extracting text automatically from the ID photo using the OCR module
Client (for bank counselors)
  • Video consultation
  • Checking the ID photo received from the app and text extracted from the OCR module
  • Triggering secondary authentication processing with external organizations
Key features
  • Mobile phone owner authentication with the financial institute system, and using the inquiry interface of the bank account/other bank account.
  • Supporting ID check by interfacing the OCR, Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs, and National Police Agency.
  • Providing a video authentication service without additional server hardware.
  • Supporting various security solutions, and providing HTTPS-based security signaling and SRTP-based security media interface.
Major references
  • Introduced the non-face-to-face real-name authentication solution for the first time in Korea for customers to open a bank account and purchase financial instruments using their smartphones, without needing to visit the sales office.